Guaranteed Steps to Get Hired (Not Really, but they'll help)

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  • Guaranteed Steps to Get Hired (Not Really, but they'll help)

Maybe you’ve looked at a job posting and thought, "Dang, I’d love to work there," or perhaps you've set a goal to land a job at Insert Cool Company Name Here before you retire. You know the feeling—that spark of excitement mixed with a dash of nerves. But then you glance at the requirements, and your resume suddenly feels like it belongs to someone else. Don’t fret! I’m here to help you navigate that.

Start With Your Dream List—But Stay Flexible

Take a deep breath, grab a pen, and make a list of the top five companies or positions you’d love to apply for. Most people have that one dream company at the top of their list, and that’s totally okay! Just don’t let tunnel vision set in. Remember, careers aren’t always a straight shot—sometimes you’ll need to take a few unexpected detours to get there, and that’s part of the fun (even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time).

When opportunities present themselves—even if they don’t exactly match your dream role—don’t be afraid to grab them. Each step, even the ones that seem out of place, brings you closer to where you want to be. You can always work up to your ultimate goal. Eyes wide open!

Think Competitors, Not Just The Dream Team

Here’s a trick: look at competitors. If you’ve got your heart set on working for one specific company, chances are their competitors could also be fantastic places to gain experience and build up the right credentials. The same goes for particular positions. Maybe working for Cool Company A feels out of reach now, but Cool Company B might have a similar role that helps you grow into the position you really want. Use your resources to get where you want to go—it’s not always about stepping stones, but sometimes, that’s exactly what you need.

Picture it like climbing a mountain. The summit (your dream job) might feel far, but each ledge along the way offers a new view and a chance to get closer.

Make Friends—It Helps, I Promise!

Let’s get real—making friends in the professional world can be a game-changer. I know, if you’re an introvert, this part might feel like dragging yourself into an ice bath. But trust me, it works. Getting to know people inside the company you’re eyeing can be the key to unlocking those coveted roles. And if you do it genuinely, it’s less awkward than you think.

Here’s the deal: if you connect with people who work at your target company, they might have insider tips, job leads, or even be able to give you a heads-up on upcoming openings. Some companies even offer referral bonuses to employees who help get new hires in the door. So, yeah, they might be just as motivated to see you succeed! But maybe avoid leading with, “Hey, I can get you paid to be my friend,” even if the thought makes you chuckle. Most people are happy to help—sometimes you just need to ask.

True Story: Learning When to Step Back

Speaking of friends, here’s a true story from the trenches. I once found an organization I thought would be a great fit and fun to work for. After applying, I reached out to a few people at the company and “friended” them on LinkedIn. Two of them actually responded. One had worked there before but had recently been let go for the second time. They had all sorts of stories about the inner workings of the place—the constant team shuffling, the sudden growth and shrinkage of departments. But, despite the turbulence, they still liked the company overall.

The second person? Well, it turned out they were the internal candidate for the very role I applied for. With all the new info I had gathered, I made the call not to pursue the job any further. Sometimes, learning when to step back is just as important as stepping forward.

The Process Looks Different for Everyone—And That’s Okay

Here’s the thing: getting hired is a process, and it can look different for everyone. Some people land their dream job in one shot—no stepping stones required. Others may have to work their way up, and that’s just as valid. Both approaches lead to the same destination: getting hired! The key is not to get discouraged if your path has a few more twists and turns than you expected.

Take Care of You First

Now, let’s talk about something that’s just as important as your job search: taking care of yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in the grind, applying to countless positions, networking, and tweaking your resume. But if you’re running on empty, all that effort will start to feel impossible. Remember to give yourself some of those precious “spoons” to rest and recharge. Go for a walk, meet up with friends, or just do something that makes you feel good. You can't pour from an empty cup, right?

Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that this season will pass—but it will. If you’re giving all your energy, you’re already doing everything you can. Just don’t forget to look after yourself along the way.

See ya in the sunshine,
Aloha Alex