A Career Is A Series of Jobs, Not One Job For 45 Years.

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  • A Career Is A Series of Jobs, Not One Job For 45 Years.

Did you know the average American will have 12 jobs in their lifetime? This doesn’t mean 12 career changes, but since starting their first job after college, 29% of people have completely changed fields.* If you’re worried, don’t be. It’s over a quarter of people who go into a new field. This is also a completely unrelated field. I know someone who started their career as a cosmetologist, then worked for their local school, and now sells furniture! None of those are related, but it’s all part of their career.

Isn’t it fascinating how our professional lives can take so many unexpected twists and turns? It’s a reminder that our paths are rarely linear, and that’s okay. Life throws us curveballs, and sometimes, those curveballs lead us to places we never imagined we'd go. The key is to embrace those changes with an open mind and heart, knowing that every experience, whether in a new field or an old one, adds to the richness of our personal and professional journey.

A job is a paid position where you trade your time for money.

A job is a paid position where you trade your time for money. A career is an occupation…with opportunities for progress. ‘Progress’ is defined by a lot of different things. If there is no way to go vertically in a company, sometimes progress is going elsewhere. ‘Progress’ is your personal journey; it doesn’t have to be in the same company. So if you have tried something you went to school for, but now you’re not a fan of your job, nothing says you can’t change it. It’s your life, live it how you want.

We often get so wrapped up in the idea of climbing the corporate ladder that we forget there’s more than one way to grow. Sometimes, the best move isn’t up but out—exploring new industries, acquiring different skills, or pursuing a passion that you’ve kept on the back burner for too long. Remember, progress is not about sticking to a predefined path but about discovering what truly makes you feel fulfilled. If your current role doesn’t do that, it might be time to consider what else is out there. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back; the courage to take that leap can lead to the most rewarding chapters of your career.

your worth isn’t in your job. It's in you.

Don’t feel like you’re abandoning a company if you leave. Would they stick with you? Just something to think about. Always remember: your worth isn’t in your job. It's in you. Be the person you want to be, so if that's a major change in your job, go for it!

This might sound a bit harsh, but it’s important to remember that companies, while they may value you, are ultimately focused on their bottom line. If the tables were turned, would they hesitate to make decisions that are best for their interests? Probably not. So, don’t feel guilty about making decisions that are best for you. Your career is just one aspect of your life, and your happiness, health, and well-being should be at the forefront. You have the power to shape your future, so why not do it in a way that brings you joy and satisfaction?

Just remember that however alienated you may feel, there is at least a quarter of Americans who feel the same way. If you're not from the States, I guess you’re out of luck.

I’m kidding. Just know you aren’t alone. Other people are working through the same thing, and I am here to help you too!

The feeling of isolation during a career transition can be overwhelming, but trust me, you’re far from alone. Whether you’re in the States or halfway across the globe, career shifts are a universal experience. Everyone, at some point, questions their path, wonders if they’re in the right place, or feels the itch to try something new. The good news? There’s a whole community of people out there navigating similar changes. You’re part of a collective journey where support, understanding, and encouragement are always within reach. So take heart, and know that I’m cheering you on every step of the way.

Life happens offline,

Aloha Alex