Who is getting your resume?

Are you submitting your resume via a website or handing it to a person? Pick the right resume format for the type of job and for how your resume will be collected.


Focus your resume on the job opening.

Do they want to hear your life story or why you are perfect for the job? Your resume should only have skills and work history highlights that are directly related to the job description.


A resume is your Hero Story; make it a good one.

A resume can have all of the right parts and still not read well. Tell about what you have achieved, and not a boring list of the responsibilities you had. Each highlight needs to show that you are a “do-er” and should be measurable.

Building the Best Resume

If your resume never gets into the hands of a person, you will never get hired.

Over 85% of companies use Application Tracking Systems (ATS) to track and filter all resumes. ( More about ATS systems and tips to make your resume ATS-Friendly) Studies show that up to 75% of job applications get rejected without a human reading the application.

Could not read Resume Format

One of the key factors cited in most studies as to why an ATS system rejects a resume is that the ATS system simply could not understand the resume. It is best to keep the format simple and ATS friendly.

Resume does not match job description

The ATS system will rank how good of a match there is between your resume and the job description. A focused resume written just for the job description will always have a higher score.

Let’s Make This Resume Amazing

The resume below is an example of highly designed eye-candy resume. Unless you know you will be handing your resume to a human, or your field expects an elaborately designed resume (e.g., graphic design), simplicity is key. An elegant one column basic black and white resume will always give you the best chance of getting your resume into the hands of a human.

1.Colors and a multi-column layout are great for high visual impact, but a simple, classic one-column format will be better for almost all resumes.
2.Using a photo in the early stages of an application will do nothing other than risk invoking unconscious bias in the hiring team. It is ok to use a picture if your industry is focused on image.
3.It's important to note that an ATS system cannot interpret information presented in a visual graph or gauge, underscoring its limitations.
4.You only need to include your specific street address if you invite the hiring team for coffee. Beyond privacy or security concerns, you will risk being judged by where you live.
5.Including social media accounts on your resume is only advisable if the account is used explicitly for professional posts.
Great Looking but poor Resume. Let's Make it Amazing.
6.Use the exact title of the job you're applying for, as it sets the tone that you're the perfect match for the role.
7.Objective statements have fallen out of fashion and rarely read as authentic. Use a Career Summary statement.
8.Don't hide them, put your skills at the top under the career summary. Skills should be a simple list separated by a comma or pipe (, or |) of keywords found in the job posting.
9.Past jobs should be listed in descending chronological order. Your most recent job is likely the closest match to the job you are applying for.
10.Always use well-written job highlights or impact bullet points for each job. Describe what you achieved, be specific, and explain how your work helped the company. Example: Led a team to reduce manufacturing defects by 30%, saving the company $200,000 annually.
11.Including interests, hobbies, or references on a resume is not recommended.

The Perfect Resume

The rebuilt resume below carries less visual impact, and is less sexy, but it has the best chance of getting into the hands of the hiring manager and that is key. This resume also reads much better, it is much easier to understand and will make a great impression.

Great Looking Resume, It is Amazing. Best Resume Template

Resume Check List

Let's make sure your resume is ready to be seen by a hiring manager.

General Layout

  • Single Column Format: A single-column layout is easier for ATS to process.
  • Clear Sections: Organize your resume into distinct sections: Contact Info, Job Title, Professional Summary, Skills, Work History, and Education.
  • A resume should be concise, no more than two pages, ensuring the second page includes a footer with your name and contact details for easy identification if separated from the first.

Use a Professional Summary Instead of an Objective Statement

  • Professional Summary: Summarize your career achievements and what you bring to the table, aligning it with the role you’re applying for.
  • Format: [Your job title or profession] with [number] years of experience in [key skills or industry], specializing in [specific expertise or accomplishments], and known for [unique value or impact you bring to employers].

Essential Elements to Include

  • Contact Information: Ensure your contact details (name, phone number, email, LinkedIn profile) are on every page of a multi-page resume.
  • Job Title: Use a job title that mirrors the role you are applying for.
  • Professional Summary: Provide a brief summary of your career highlights and expertise.
  • Skills: List your key skills relevant to the job. Be sure to include all of the skills mentioned in the job posting. (...that you actually have)
  • Work History: Include your work experience in reverse chronological order.
  • Education: Mention your educational background and relevant certifications.

Work History Best Practices

  • Concise Summaries: Keep job summaries brief. One or two sentences are enough.
  • Bullet Points: Use bullet points to highlight specific, measurable achievements.
  • Relevant Details: Focus on achievements that showcase your impact and skills that can be applied to the specific job you are applying for.

Addressing Ageism Concerns

  • Graduation Dates: Consider omitting graduation dates to avoid age bias.
  • Older Jobs: Avoid listing jobs or experiences from more than 20 years ago.

Font and Style Guidelines

  • Common Fonts: Use fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Font Size: Keep the font size between 10 and 12 points for readability.
  • No Special Graphics: Avoid using special graphics for divider lines or bullet points. Stick to simple, clean lines and standard bullet points.

Optional Elements to Include

  • Certifications: Include relevant certifications that are required for the job.
  • Awards and Honors: Recognitions that are relevant to your career.
  • Volunteer work: If the work is relevant to the job.

Do Not Include

  • Hobbies: Unless they are HIGHLY relevant to the job.
  • References: No need to include the phrase "References upon request". If they want them they will ask.
  • Salary History: This is not necessary and is illegal for them to ask for in many states.
  • Lies or exaggerated truths: Your resume should always seek to show you in the best light, but always be honest.

Download the Ideal Resume Template

Our free resume template is designed to give your resume the best chance of getting into the hands of the hiring manager.

  • Highly ATS Friendly
  • Uses Best Practices
  • Logical Structure
  • OCR Friendly
  • Classic Design
  • Free

Get your copy of our free highly ATS friendly Resume Template here.

Download Free Resume Template
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